Donald Trump Jr. To Be Paid $100,000 For Speech At Texas University.

i. Donald Trump Jr. and his father has spoken out against paid speeches before.

Donald Trump Jr. will rake in $100,000 for a speech he’s scheduled to deliver as part of speaker series at a Texas university despite the fact that he's previously bashed the Clintons for doing the same thing.

The Trump Organization’s executive vice president signed a contract in July to give a 30-minute speech and then participate in a 30-minute question-and-answer session as part of University of North Texas’ Kuehne Speaker Series, according to documents obtained by The North Texas Daily.

Trump and his father have both openly criticized Hillary and Bill Clinton for giving paid speeches in the past.
Trump in October called the practice “pay to play” and the President blasted Hillary for getting “paid $225,000 by a Brazilian bank for a speech that called for ‘open’ borders.”

The president's oldest son will also attend a dinner the night before his speech, a VIP reception after and a VIP breakfast the next morning. The 39-year-old businessman is also set to receive up to $5,000 in food, lodging and travel accommodations.

The speech is scheduled for Oct. 24 and the fee is non-refundable.

 Donald  Trump Jr.

Trump Jr. was invited to the event by organizers of the series, whose top sponsor this year is a corporate tax services firm helmed by G. Brint Ryan — a UNT alum who advised President Trump on tax policy while he was still running for office, the Washington Post reported.

He told the newspaper the speaking fee is paid for by private donations and that the event supports National Merit Scholarships.

“The fee is not important — what’s important is that net result,” Ryan said, noting they’ve yet to pay a stipend that large. “This is not a deal to sponsor Donald Trump Jr. This is an effort to raise as much money as possible for scholarships. “If Chelsea Clinton wants to come next time, that’s great.”

UNT spokeswoman Kelly Reese said the speaker series has raised more than $1.6 milllion for scholarships so far.

Trump Jr. declined to comment and spokeswoman said that he’s “a popular public speaker who has been participating in speaking engagements domestically and internationally for over a decade.”

His fee for delivering a speech has seemingly doubled since his father entered the White House, according to the Washington Post.
