Google is my every day thing. With Google I've traveled all around the world. With Google, I've lived 200 years ago. With Google, I'm living and will continue to live.
I remember six years ago (2011) when I was in an entrepreneurship class and the teacher was gonna be talking about branding and marketing. He was gonna use Mark Zuckerberg as his case study. He then asked the class of over 50 students who could tell him about Facebook. As at that time, Facebook wasn't known to all, not to people of my age. I was roughly thirteen years old. I was the only one who told him about the founding of Facebook and the founder, Mark.
I was able to answer him correctly because of the research I made on Google about Facebook when I saw my sister use it. Then the following year (2012), I stole mummy's phone and used it to sign up.
Also, with Google, my teachers at secondary school were convinced about my intelligence. Although, I wasn't the brightest student in class, but some facts weren't hidden to me. Facts like the 9/11 terrorist attack which shook America, facts like Albert Einstein's theory of relativity which the world can never forget, facts about the great man Leonardo Da Vinci, facts about Man's evolution. All these I knew before I was fifteen, courtesy of Google.
Due to my obsession with the use of the internet and as my number one website. In 2012, I enquired about the 'World's Richest Man.' which then also happened to be Bill Gates. So I can say I knew about Bill Gates and the windows stuff that pops up my sister's computer each time I turn it on.
As a Blogger, Google has helped me with tips on blogging and the Google Adsense also.
As a budding Photographer. Even without having any photography classes or lectures or trainings, I've been able to get better over the years.
And also as a Student, I've been able to get by my Home works, projects and exams with the support of Google.
With Google, I can handle the guitar even without owning one myself. Thanks to YouTube videos.
All I need to do is 'Google it!'
This is my #GoogleStory.
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